Helping the next generation impactmakers

Helping the next generation impactmakers

You have a great idea for change and want the right people to know about it. To do so, you need brand thinking skills. Which is why Futureproof dedicated one of their workshops to build the brand knowledge of young impact makers. In previous sessions they’d taken the first steps of business plans and shaping visions. Now it was time to think about how branding could help spread their message. That’s why Futureproof asked me to kickstart this journey. 

Futureproof brand the change - Simone Luijckx

Since this workshop had teaching element, I asked Daphne Hachmang, communications teacher and researcher, to join me. We created a personalized session and hosted the workshop together.  

Using chocolate bars to understand branding

For a group op people who are fairly new to the concept of branding, I first like them to understand what this concept is and how it can influence you. So, how to do this? By showing them a product you can buy in a supermarket, which has about fifty different versions on one shelf. All selling the same thing, but using different messages and visuals. We analysed five chocolate bars, with missions from ‘great taste’ to ‘working for a slave free world’. Looking at these brands, helped them to realize how your mission defines the way you look and talk. 


During the workshop the intention was to make your idea for change come to live. That’s why we use the Brand The Change model. A one page canvas that shows who you are, what you do and why you do it. The impact makers start from their vision of the world they wish to see and step by step they shape their strategy. We make them think about the importance to keep their vision in mind with every decision they take. ‘What kind of messages do you write?’. ‘Which style of photography do you use?’. ‘Who can you work together with that are in line with your values?’. 

Everyone made a fantastic start in brand thinking and we encouraged them to offer eachother honest feedback. What’s better than a pair of new eyes? Meaningful conversations happened and new creative ideas came to mind. 

Futureproof branding brand the change canvas - Simone Luijckx
Futureproof stratety brand the change canvas- Simone Luijckx


Each participant will continue working on the canvas and use it as a compass for their changemaking actions. In a couple of weeks they have an exciting moment: to pitch and launch their prototypes. We wish them all the best and are convinced a more beautiful and free world is waiting for us thanks their efforts.  

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